How often is DRW published?
DRW reaches homes the first week of every single month – 12 editions a year.
What are your deadlines?
It varies a bit from month to month, but the 15th of the preceding month is a good target date – so May 15th for the June issue, etc. Earlier is always much better, however! And we may be able to accommodate you even if you miss the deadline.
What demographics do you reach?
We are focused on single-family homes in the middle-to-upper income range. Businesses make up a small percentage of our distribution, too.
What are your direct-mail geographical boundaries?
Roughly speaking, they are 595 in the north; Sheridan Street in the south; University Drive in the east; and US 27 in the west. We regularly update our mailing list, so contact us for the most up-to-date map.
What zipcodes do you reach?
Specific postal carrier routes in 33024, 33026, 33314, 33324, 33325, 33326, 33327, 33328, 33330, 33331 and 33332 are selected based on average household income.
Can you prove your distribution?
Of course. USPS receipts are available upon request.
Do you offer other kinds of distribution, or just direct-mail?
While direct-mail remains the most effective method of distribution, we also distribute about 1000 additional copies to businesses and public buildings around town, and have a digital edition that recreates the print edition and can be read on computers, tablets and smartphones. Note that only our direct-mail costs are factored into our ad pricing; the other distribution methods are included for free.
Who writes your articles?
A combination of professional writers, community members, civic leaders, and business professionals all play a part in making each issue of DRW something special.
I have an idea for a story. Are you interested?
We're always on the lookout for stories of interest to readers in Weston, Davie, Southwest Ranches and Cooper City. Visit our contact page and send us a note.
Do you have any specials right now?
We pride ourselves on offering the best pricing in our category. You can learn more on our advertising page, or contact us for a detailed price list. Depending on the package of advertising that interests you, we may be able to work out an even better deal.
What does "DRW" stand for, anyway?
Davie, the Ranches and Weston, of course. We proudly serve Cooper City, too, but DRWCC was a bit too much of a name, as you'll no doubt agree.
Is there anything else I should know?
Most of our clients were dedicated readers first – they want to be a part of a magazine they know gets read! In fact, more than 90% of our clients reach out to us, rather than the other way around.
Wait – I have more questions!
We'd love to speak with you. You can find our contact information here.